We want to help any entrepreneurs, small businesses, owners, buyers, vendors, investors, established (or new) brand manufacturers or artisans to sell their crafts, wares, goods, products to direct consumers over the Internet by using our *FREE* e-Commerce that is available at no monthly cost to all vendors (or inventory owners). We're seeking buyers/purchasers for inventory control, extra storage & funding operations; whom will receive volume discounts & rebates for goods/merchandise from bulk orders.
Why Us?
Web4 is human-based, and we believe that commerce is powered by the people.. and in short-form Pomerce™ stands for "personalized commerce" (or more simply personal commerce). In our vision, people must be freely able to trade, buy, sell and transact.. just as efficiently as a corporation. We help you store & ship your goods. We're open to additional standard, warm & cold warehousing in the future, please get in touch with your customs brokerage/warehouse/location for partnership info.
How We Do It?
I, "Jim Semple" am the founder of Pomerce™. I have a registered food importer license (with the Canadian government) for USA imports, etc. with established connections to a supply chain/logistics warehouse in St. Thomas, Ontario (Canada). After establishing an organics "Harvest Club" (and Nuorgana™ brand) several years ago with local farmers, I was able to acquire and transfer some intellectual property (IP/software assets) over to Pomerce™ from Nuorgana™ (which will be re-branding to a new household/consumer brand of Pomerce™, stay tuned...) however, for now... I'm looking to partner with not-for-profit organizations such as churches, and other philanthropic foundations (including military/veterans) to distribute food/goods to homes across Canada, to the USA and eventually worldwide.